Year-closing Rust Hungary Meetup in Budapest in November

Third time is a charm, they say—so we have prepped you all a charming late-fall Rust Hungary Meetup number three to keep you cozy and well-rusted in drizzly and chilly late fall Thursday evenings. ;)

Firefox Oxidation Rust Hungary #3 - Thursday 23. November 18:00

Our first presenter comes again from Mozilla, straight from Stockholm! For anyone working on the web these days, there is a high chance last week's roaring Firefox Quantum release has caught your ears. Valentin Gosu will show us how it all started, how the first bits of Rust landed in Firefox and the monumental work that led up to Rust components shipping in the live production version of the newest Firefox for anyone out there to see.

The next presenter, Jan-Erik Rediger will be covering a no-less exciting technology: we have already had a presentation about WebAssembly on our first meetup, Jan-Erik will be diving a bit more into the capabilities and possibilities of the technology today.

Our third speaker, as usual, is from the region: Peter Czibik, one of the founding organizers of the Rust Hungary meetup-series will be talking about using Rust in node.js applications today, taking advantage of what Rust can offer, even possibly in one's production projects.

Rust Hungary second meetup - Nikita Baksalyar's presentation Nikita Baksalyar talks at the Rust Hungary meetup in October

Needless to say, join us again, it will be worth it! Detailed talk descriptions and RSVP-s are on our page as usual.

The Rust Hungary meetup series will go into hibernation after our November 23. meetup, we will be returning in 2018, but to get your monthly open-source-fix in next month too, check out this year's last Open Source Budapest meetup in December!